Mornin freaks,
I've had a productive morning so far. At this point, I think TheWildHustle should focus on the side job search. I currently have two possibles in the pipeline, but I would feel more comfortable with three. But, they dont call me TheWildHustle for nothing.......
I have a couple of Nostr clients I'd like to create. I would selfishly like to use them for myself, but if other people happen to use them, that would be okay too. Additionally, I want to complete the Nostr Dev/Pleb Dev course, as well as the 100 days of Python in Replit. It would be cool to help out with bounties and open source projects.
TheWildHustle is also TheWildHustle LLC, a pleb mining business created to deduct miner equipment purchases. Currently, I am just running a couple of S9 space heaters, but once I find a side job, I'd like to purchase a couple of hosted miners from Kaboomracks. I found a bitcoin tax guy who helped me last year. UTXO dealership sounds pretty cool, and developments like Fedipool and Stratum V2 are enticing.
I'm looking to increase my lightning node capacity while connecting to additional/better peers. The future of lightning node operators is somewhat unclear to me, especially with the advent of more L2's like Fedimint/E-cash/Ark, but I'd like to develop the node in anticipation of easier tools and upgraded features. TheWildHustle mint/federation/Lightning node seems like a nice spot to be in.
Finally, I'll continue attempting long-form content, and I have four books to finish reading......
Stay positive and productive out there, plebs,